Project: Solar Farm
Market: Renewable Energy
Location: Cheswell Grange Farm, Newport
The Challenge
Low Carbon Alliance was appointed by a farming family located near Newport with a wedding venue business and farmland acreage extending to 36ha. The client has an estate-wide strategy to decarbonise whilst increasing wildlife populations.
A notable elevated and popular viewpoint overlooking the site on the plain required detailed landscape and visual impact assessments. Detailed negotiations were also required to agree screening the proposed arrays from near-by neighbours.
The Solution
Ecology and archaeology surveys agreeing the habitat enhancement specifications with the regulators took just over a year to complete, during which time confirmations were secured that both no formal Environmental Impact Assessments would required and that the scheme would conform with Policy; prior to awaiting Planning Committee.
Negotiations with Western Power Distribution secured the Grid Connection and electrical design details for connecting to the local overhead power line circuit.
Neil & Susanna Harley, Cheswell Grange Landowners said:
“We are delighted to have received permission to move forward with this project which will help make a meaningful difference to biodiversity enhancement in our area, support the fight against climate change and help secure the businesses future for us, our children and our employees at a challenging time for farmers.”
Phil Cookson, Senior Development Manager, Low Carbon Alliance said:
“The patience of both the client and our chosen Planning consultancy and team of technical specialists were commendable, given the regulatory delays. I am grateful for the rapid responses provided by the team to multiple Consultee queries and requests. Above all, thanks to the client for their negotiations with their Parish Council.”
Simon Crowe Managing Director, Low Carbon Alliance said:
“We are proud to support our clients at Cheswell Grange by securing consent for the solar and storage facility as part of their regenerative and environmental plans at the Cheswell Grange, whilst delivering projects that support the UK’s NetZero targets.”