Project: Battery Storage
Market: Land Acquisition & Development
Location: Avonmouth, Bristol
The Challenge
Working in partnership with Foundation Property & Capital to develop a 4.2 acre site in South-West England which was identified for the construction of an Energy Park.
The Solution
LCA began by submitting an ENA generation application to WPD through which we secured a 20MW export grid connection on the local 33kV network. However, the cost of bringing in gas to the site was prohibitive due to necessary reinforcement. As such, we undertook to apply, and secure, an additional 20MW export grid connection to enable connection on to the 132HV line out of Seabank and which made the cost of gas was viable.
Thereafter, LCA worked with one of the UK’s leading reserve power generators to secure planning for a 40MW gas peaking plan and the DNO 132/33kV DNO substation compound. Additionally LCA secured a further 17MW of import/export on the local 33 kV network, and planning for 17MW battery storage plant, increasing the import/export capacity by an additional 16MW to 33MW.
Planning has been granted for the additional capacity on the battery scheme and work is progressing on the site.